
Package nl.fountain.xelem

Provides classes that assist in the creation of SpreadsheetML.


Class Summary
Address A reference to the intersection of a row and a column.
Area A reference to a rectangular range.
CellPointer Keeps track of the position of cells being added to the Worksheet.
GIO Gathers global information about a workbook during assembly.
XFactory An intermediary to the configuration file, it's main productline being SpreadsheetML Style elements.
XLUtil A utility class for xelem.
XSerializer A conveniance class for serializing Workbooks.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedStyleException Indicates that a certain Style was not found.
XelemException A wrapper class for several exceptions that may occur while working with the XFactory, XSerializer or XLDocument.

Package nl.fountain.xelem Description

Provides classes that assist in the creation of SpreadsheetML.
